We did some hiking in Big Horn Canyon which is a National Recreation Area on the northern border of Wyoming and southern border of Montana.

Somehow we managed to find a man with a boat who was willing to take us on a tour up the canyon. It was a glorious day with deep blue skies and unbelievable rock formations. This park is a hidden jewel...entrance is $5.00 a day and you camp for free. Check it out on the National
Park Service website. I will warn you tho, the town nearby does not have much to offer ~ we couldn't use a credit card at the restaurant or find a place to use a debit card but the people we friendly and helpful!
Right along side Big Horn Canyon is Pryor Mountain Wild Horse Refuge where we saw a dozen or so of the 125 mustangs that live in the refuge.

When you are in the northeast corner of Wyoming coming from South Dakota, a side trip to Devil's Tower National Monument is worth the drive...the Tower comes up out of now where and is just amazing. There is a beautiful one and a half mile hike around the base of the tower.
A drive
thru Ten Sleep Canyon just west of Buffalo is also worth the time (it's on the way to Yellowstone and Big Horn Canyon).

Cheyenne was our last stop. We stayed at Warren AFB and enjoyed some of the rich history of the old Army Post, built in 1867 to protect the Union Pacific workers as they built the transcontinental railroad. The parade field on the base has to be half a mile long ~ we saw a picture of the
cavalry unit in formation on the parade field and they needed the entire length. The old downtown area of Cheyenne is interesting and beautiful. The colorful boots are found all over the city.
By this time in our journey we had seen so many
magnificent sights we could hardly take in any more. God is so creative and generous! We were happy to head south so spend time with Sarah and Joel ~ and wait for the arrival of little Anders.
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