Chicago, one of our very favorite big cities...the place we went to school, met and fell in love in the 60's! Lots of memories and fun times to think about and remember.
We could see the Sears Tower all the way from Kenosha. We were able to motor sail most of the way down the north shore from Waukegan to Lincoln Park...54 miles and 8 1/2 hours of motor sailing. We stayed in Belmont Harbor on the north end of the Park.
We arrived around 6 in the evening and by 7 we were with Dave and Cheryl McKay, friends from Rockford and Moody days. Dave has a sailboat,too, so we shared lots of sailing stories/experiences. We had dinner together in Andersonville (Swedish neighborhood) not far form the marina. Great fun...wonderful food!
The next morning I took a long walk south through Lincoln Park along the water as well as the bike path. It goes for miles. I went as far south as Fullerton, the north end of the Lincoln Park Zoo. It was a pretty morning ~ the waves were crashing up against the walkway. I was impressed with how many people jog and bike at all hours of the day and night. Several statues and monuments dot the park.
Andy's sister, Carol, from Oak Park came and picked us up and we went up to Rogers Park (the far north side of Chicago) for lunch at the Jamaica Jerk. By mid afternoon we were back on the water sailing the bay, picking out sights along the shore, enjoying the skyline. In the pictures you will see the old Coast Guard Station, Buckingham Fountain, Soldiers Field, the Planetarium, Navy Pier...the one lone tall condo building was new while we were at Moody in the late 60's, one of the first of it's kind. The lighthouse in the trees was up in near Winnetka as well as the Baha'i Temple.
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