Right next store was an incredible store filled with frilly fancy, party favors...a little much for my taste, but another evidence of the excess and extravaganc in Dubai!
And outside they had a sign already announcing the Expo 2020 coming to Dubai.

Tonight Andy and I walked down to a little grocery store for a few things for breakfast. We walked by a sheiks home. Do you know that we generally pronounce that word incorrectly in the States?
It is not "sheeks" is actually "shakes"). Good to be in the know.
Then you pass this pretty little neighborhood mosque before getting to the local grocery store...which is very handy.
In this little area there is also an air conditioned bus stop and another little store with a "honking lane" out front. Cars can pull up, honk their horn, and someone will come out and bring their groceries to them in the car. Gives all new meaning to curb service!
Well, it's 11:30 pm here and 93 degrees.
Back in Delafield it's 2:30 pm and 67 degrees.
I had better get to bed...another busy day tomorrow.
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