Monday, March 20, 2017

St Kilda Beach

I continue to have trouble posting so I am going to do smaller posts!!!  The pictures are not coming up the way I want them either...

After the hike on the trail we drove down to St KildaBeach!


Kylie said there are marinas all up and down the coast.  Must be beautiful when they are all out sailing.


There is a penguin sanctuary along the sea wall.  They come in late afternoon and evening so we didn't see any...maybe we will come back...


This cute cafe was at the end of St. Kilda pier.  We had lunch on the porch overlooking the marina.  Sweet!


The beach is jammed in the summer.  You can see the storm moving out over the water.


Not sure I've ever seen a black swan before...


Kylie knew we love the water and sailing!


Kylie introduced us to Lemon Lime with Bitters.  It was tasty and refreshing.  Great to sit in the sun overlooking the water.

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