Wednesday, December 21, 2016

A good day...

Feeling better today after a decent night's sleep and a lighter workload.  Thanks for praying!

I stayed in bed reading until 7:15 and helped with breakfast.  At 10:00 Karen picked me up and we went to the Blue Souq in Sharjah.  She had 2 gals with her who were visiting for the holidays.  We found some good bargains and did pretty well haggling prices.  I've actually getting pretty good at it.  Was fun to be out and about for a few hours....just what I needed.  


The building is really quite pretty.


There are 2 matching buildings connected by bridges one the road/parking lot.  There are probably 150 small stores lined up along the outer walls.  Many are filled with jewelry or carpets.  There are lots of souvenir shops, scarf shops, and clothing shops, too.  In the hot summer months it's really nice to be in the air conditioned souqs rather than the outdoor souqs.


When I got home I lunch, preped some meats and muffins for Christmas dinner and helped with supper.  Even got in a short walk before supper.  It was a very nice day - in the  70s with a breeze. 

I saw 3 beautiful peacocks on my walk.  They were pretty skittish so I only got a picture of one.  They live in a high rent district!  When I got too close they all flew over the wall to safety.


Many houses have one of these safe like boxes by the front door - this one is ours.  You put in a code and get the key to open the door.  Pretty handy!

Just one more little tidbit that made me laugh...
Saw it on FB today...  

Okay, headed for bed...hope to sleep through the night.
Hope you are enjoying a good day in your corner of the world!

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