Monday, December 12, 2016

Pretty much non-stop

It's Monday night at 7:57.  I'm about read to curl up in bed and read.  Seems like today was non-stop motion.  Breakfast on the table at nine.  At ten a meeting of the minds to decide on what's going to happen on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  Turkey dinner and Christmas Eve Service at Redeemer on Saturday night.  Brunch on Christmas morning  with tea and a lovely homemade fruitcake in the afternoon.  Then a potluck dinner, bonfire and carol sing in the desert in the evening.  Should be a wonderful, meaningful weekend with about 30 friends, old and new.  Also a lot of prep!!

Then it was off to the post office to get stamps for JoAnn's Christmas cards.  I knew what street it was on - but not which building.  We drove past it twice without seeing the sign.  Turns out it was a pretty, new building with fancy script blue letters that were difficult to read from the street.  The building was back away from the street and I had been told it was next to a strip mall.  It was actually next to a gas station.  But, mission accomplished!

Then we made a stop at the Arabian Center for a couple of errands and groceries at LuLu's.  It is not hard to walk a couple of miles in a mall, especially when you don't know where the frame shop and jewelry store you want to visit is located.  Lu's is a SUPER Super Walmart type store.  Fortunately there are many workers in the store aisles so you can ask where things are in the store.  It's almost harder to shop for 15 items than to make a big grocery run where you have to go down every aisle.  Know what I mean?

It was after 1:30 when we got home - and I was hungry.  After a quick lunch it was time to start dinner prep.  Meatloaf, roasted potatoes, pepper corn, green salad, and cherry crisp.  

No pictures today...nothing noteworthy...  it's going to be 80 degrees here the next few days.  I've been reading about snowstorms and cold weather in Wisconsin.  Burrrr.  Right this minute I have on white capris, a coral top and sandles.  Sorry about that!

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