Sunday, December 4, 2016

A string of activities...

It's 10 pm in Dubai and I'm more than ready to go to bed.  I'll be short and to the point today.  Up at 6:30, ironing done before devotions together at 8:00,  breakfast on the table at 9:00 and grocery shopping from 10:00 to 12:00.  After a quick lunch,  JoAnn and I were off to Sharjah to shop at the beautiful Blue Souq. Found a few gifts and some supplies for the house.  It was a fun outing...  We don't serve supper on Sunday night so a few of us had some leftovers.  Then we decorated for Christmas - I should say we got a good start on that.  Sorting through boxes, finding strands of lights that don't work, cleaning up the green needles that drop off when you decorate the tree - nothing new and different there!


We had some good help!

The next few days should be a little more relaxed...  if I could get a good nights sleep, it would help a lot!

Oh, will never guess who packed up my groceries and took them to my car!!!  The young Pakistani man who helped me last year when I could not find my car in the parking lot!!! Do you remember that episode!?!  When I saw him I asked him if he remembered me....he laughed and said he did!  MDe my day!

Hope you have enjoyed a great Sunday!  Oops...just dozed off mid sentence.  Better turn off the light and go to sleep!  Love to each one...thanks for your prayers and for keeping up with me!  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You must have made quite an impression if he remembered you! -Chris